Modern Wisdom Podcast (anxiety, sadness, pride, shame, disgust, love, guilt, (ir)rationality, adaptiveness, the good & the band of emotions, resolving the Emotion Paradox, and more).
Dine In Psychology (Cognitive biases, detecting BS, defending ourselves against exploitative scams, the sunk cost fallacy, the scientific method, psychology-adjacent woo)
The Dissenter (Core ideas and common misunderstandings about evolutionary psychology:)
Converging Dialogues (The Myers-Briggs personality test and misunderstandings about evolution & natural selection)
Futureproof on Newstalk (Misconceptions about evolutionary psychology, how to test evolutionary hypotheses)
The Dissenter (2nd Interview) (Just-so stories, How to test evolutionary hypotheses, emotions such as anger and disgust, culture, the importance of consilience, and the WEIRD problem in psychology)
Darwin Day Discussion on Luxembourg Radio Station (evolution, misconceptions, religious resistance and misgivings, how evolution unites all life and deals blows to human exceptionalism)
Evolutionary Psychiatry Interview
Evolution, Emotions, and Mental Health (talk delivered to the World Psychiatric Association)
Modern Wisdom Podcast (anxiety, sadness, pride, shame, disgust, love, guilt, (ir)rationality, adaptiveness, the good & the band of emotions, resolving the Emotion Paradox, and more).
Dine In Psychology (Cognitive biases, detecting BS, defending ourselves against exploitative scams, the sunk cost fallacy, the scientific method, psychology-adjacent woo)
The Dissenter (Core ideas and common misunderstandings about evolutionary psychology:)
Converging Dialogues (The Myers-Briggs personality test and misunderstandings about evolution & natural selection)
Futureproof on Newstalk (Misconceptions about evolutionary psychology, how to test evolutionary hypotheses)
The Dissenter (2nd Interview) (Just-so stories, How to test evolutionary hypotheses, emotions such as anger and disgust, culture, the importance of consilience, and the WEIRD problem in psychology)
Darwin Day Discussion on Luxembourg Radio Station (evolution, misconceptions, religious resistance and misgivings, how evolution unites all life and deals blows to human exceptionalism)
Evolutionary Psychiatry Interview
Evolution, Emotions, and Mental Health (talk delivered to the World Psychiatric Association)
Let's think the unthinkable, let's do the undoable. Let us prepare to grapple with the ineffable itself, and see if we may not eff it after all. -- Douglas Adams